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"the recovery series in black bird places" by janet mego: exhibition recap

Writer: KentuckKentuck

Updated: Jan 21

Janet Mego's exhibition The Recovery Series in Black Bird Places will be on display in Kentuck's Teer Gallery from December 5, 2024 until January 31, 2024. This show is Janet's visual representation of her personal journey in both mental and physical recovery. Her goal is to, "Spread a little joy after recovery and some hope for people who need it."

Janet is an experienced teacher and painter who is also in recovery from two deadly diseases diagnosed within the past five years. Most recently a breast-cancer survivor, Janet has also battled serious depression and the addiction that can result from self-medication:

“Painting, along with the need to connect with fellow sufferers, has been a godsend for me in surviving both of these illnesses, along with coping with the grief of losing my father between the two illnesses.”

Her grandfather is a main source of inspiration for the crow themed images in her recovery work. He always had a connection to nature specifically wild animals and even had a pet crow. The crow has become a symbol of monogamy, loyalty, and connection in her poignant and delicate works. Through her work and her studies she has gained a spiritual awareness of the beauty of nature that manifests itself into her watercolors.

Janet has been compelled to draw, paint, and sculpt since she was six years old. From the first grade upward, after earning first place in a juried show in the first grade, and later receiving recognition for early artistic endeavors in Baltimore, Maryland, she then earned a BFA in Art at the University of Alabama. After graduation, she began working with watercolor portraiture and continued to exhibit pieces in galleries and patron’s homes in several counties throughout Alabama.

She has placed in many juried shows and exhibitions simultaneously with her tenure as Artist in Residence for the Sumter County Fine Arts Council in the 1980s, and as adjunct art instructor for Livingston University (now the University of West Alabama).

Janet's exhibition is a great healing experience and is not to be missed.

The Teer Gallery is open by appointment only. Please contact Kentuck's Gallery Shop at 205-758-1257 or email Molly Nelko at to schedule a viewing or to inquire about purchasing a piece. Please note that Kentuck's offices will be closed December 24, 2024-January 5, 2025.

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