Dear Lover (of the arts),
This year, one of our long-time supporters Becky Collins exclaimed, “Kentuck is like my Christmas!”
We know exactly what you mean, Becky. It’s like Christmas to us, too: the anticipation of Kentuck Festival weekend, the feeling of your Kentuck family surrounding you at Art Night, beautiful and unique objects everywhere you turn brought into the world by undeniably creative souls. This time of year makes us so grateful for experiences we’ve had throughout the year with you!
So, this is our love letter to you—to all of you. We could talk about how bright your eyes are, how lovely your smile, how you light up a room, and all that would be true. Most of all, we want you to know how grateful we are that we found each other, because without you, none of this would be possible.
Our 48th year has marked a lot of growth for us. The Kentuck Festival of the Arts was once again ranked as one of the top arts festivals in the country. In 2019, Kentuck celebrated Alabama’s bicentennial by highlighting Alabama artists in our galleries and at the Festival. Our campus now houses 9 artists’ studios, which hold 12 full-time artists. Our Kentuck Gallery Shop representing the work of nearly 200 artists from across the country is now open 7 days a week and has added an online store. Art Nights boast attendances between 200 and 500 people a month. We are constantly offering new experiences through workshops and exhibitions, as well as new programs, extending our offerings to greater portions of the community. But roofs continue to leak, door knobs break, and air conditioning units and computers continue to bite the dust.
Please continue to help us keep our doors open (literally), dear friends. Your tax-deductible donations make a huge difference in our being able to bring the highest quality art and arts programming in the Southeast.
This year, we have several ways to donate. For the first time ever, Kentuck is participating in #GivingTuesday, an international day of giving. We've set a lofty goal: raise $1,000 in 24 hours on December 3rd, 2019. Donate through our Facebook page, or through our website.
If you miss #GivingTuesday, don't worry! As a 501(c)3 nonprofit, we accept tax deductible donations all year. This time of year is the season of giving and giving thanks; and we sincerely thank you for including Kentuck Art Center & Festival in your year end donation plans. We accept charitable donations through our website, over the phone, and via cash or check. For long-term planned giving information, please click here.
Thank you for your generosity in making Kentuck Art Center & Festival possible. We cannot do it without you.
With deep appreciation,
The Kentuck Staff
Photo: Big Kiss by Kentuck Guest Artist Butch House